April 1, 2017 – SeeUnity, a technology company bringing content unity announces their VR department in conjunction with their new product: SeeUnity Focus. Over the SeeUnity lifetime, the Co-Founders, Dan Anderson and Dan Hunsinger, have always believed that software could help people unify their content. However, they always were searching for a tangible product that could bring about real change to their clients and even their own employees.
Recently, they have met with several leaders in the virtual reality space. Together, we have created SeeUnity Focus. “When we looked around to our target customers and even our employees it became obvious, virtual reality could physically involve them in the technology problems they were experiencing. Imagine a world where you don’t just rely on the mouse to move content between systems, you feel so disconnected. This way our users can virtually hold the folder or document and feel themselves moving the content?” says Dan Anderson, CEO of SeeUnity. “We believe that our users will feel more connected to the actual process using virtual reality.” Says Dan Hunsinger CTO of SeeUnity.
SeeUnity Focus is going to be fully integrated with SeeUnity’s four other products. Focus will be most integrated with our Velocity Content Migration. Its VR capabilities will allow you to migrate your content through virtual reality. You can easily grab and drop content from one repository to another with the movement of your hands. For the Fusion Content Integration solutions, Focus will allow you to step into cyberspace and physically pull disparate systems together. Focus will assist those using Echo Content Synchronization by adding gamification to each synchronization run they do. Users will have to catch documents being synchronized and place them in the correct buckets, while avoiding things like flying banana peels and smelly shoes. Finally, Focus will allow our Vortex Content mobility users mobile access to content through VR. They will be able to access their content while making it look like they are physically in the office.
We could not be more thrilled to add this product to our line of enterprise content management solutions!
And if you haven’t figured it out yet, this is an April Fool’s joke. However, we’d love to hear how you’d use virtual reality to work with your enterprise content!