Enterprise Content Integration & Migration Products | Anaqua (formerly SeeUnity)
publisuisse bridges content between eDOCS and SharePoint with SeeUnity’s Echo Content Synchronization. publisuisse has long depended on OpenText eDOCS to protect and manage their assets. They also used a custom portal to publish out content, but it had limited scope as a custom solution. As they began their transition away from their custom portal to SharePoint 2013, they needed to find a way to synchronize their eDOCS with SharePoint.
Initially, publisuisse requested ImageWare to rewrite a connector that would allow publishing from eDOCS to SharePoint. However, in research for existing products, SeeUnity’s Echo Content Synchronization emerged as the obvious choice for bridging eDOCS and SharePoint.
SeeUnity’s Echo Content Synchronization allowed publisuisse to seamlessly bridge their eDOCS and SharePoint together. It enabled end users to access and search their eDOCS content from SharePoint. It was a time-saving solution that eliminated intermediate steps for users to publish content.
“Users are saving time by removing a step in the work process, as the published document is transferred automatically to eDOCS.”
– Marc Frischkopf | IT Product Manager, publisuisse
Read more on how SeeUnity enabled publisuisse to publish eDOCS content into SharePoint.