Fusion Customization
The Fusion product is actually a combination of user interface widgets together on a web page, web part, iframe, etc.… by a layout. The layout determines how the widgets are initially seen and initialized, and can also be a place where custom JavaScript code can be inserted to implement a very specific set of requirements.
As an example, a customer wanted to give their users the ability to easily copy or move documents between SharePoint and eDOCS, and under a very specific set of rules and validations. Instead of adding parameters to the existing widgets to make this happen we decided to create a custom layout and insert client-side code to implement exactly what they wanted.
- The layout includes 4 of the standard SeeUnity widgets: 1) Explorer tree; 2) Document list; 3) eDOCS create documents and folders; 4) Search bar. A layout has a north, south, east, west, and center region, any widget can be placed in any region, and layouts can be nested.
- A custom JavaScript function intercepts the “drop” event in the explorer tree so that custom logic can be implemented when documents are dragged from one repository to another.
- When documents are dropped the standard SeeUnity SharePoint or eDOCS properties\profile form is presented. Nothing new is written – the custom script just invokes existing functionality that already knows how to deal with SharePoint fields (lookups, dates, managed meta-data, etc…) and eDOCS profiles (lookups, dates, etc.…).
- After the meta-data is entered or updated, a WebAPI (RESTful) is invoked to move or copy the documents in the background.
By using standard SeeUnity user interface widgets and dialogs along with a small bit of JavaScript customization a specific use-case is solved in a fraction of time it would have taken to write such a solution from scratch.